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Fitness Life Update

Fitness Life Update

Nike Jacket | Athleta Tights | Nike Tank | Nike Socks | Nike Tennis Shoes | Knee Brace | BioFreeze | Young Living Panaway and Wintergreen | KT Tape | Foam Roller | Backnobber | Essie Nail Polish

If you have been following for a while, then you probably noticed a spike in my fitness posts. The truth is, they were never off my mind, I just couldn't really do anything because of my injury. (don't know what I'm talking about? Read here)

Anyway, I still am not totally healed. My left inguinal ligament is so tight it's insane. (the band between my pubic bone and anterior spine) I'm still not really read to run again yet, but have been applying some techniques, as well as enjoying other types of physical activity. Have you had something similar occur? Even if you haven't, hopefully my fitness life update will help you start doing things you aren't and encourage you to keep pushing through!

-CorePower Yoga. If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat (ElleSpann), then you know I have been attending classes at CorePower Yoga since September. One of the issues with my injury was that I wasn't stretching enough. I'm naturally super flexible, so it wasn't ever on the my mind to stretch really well prior to a run. Yoga has not only helped me remember to warm up before exercising, but it has also helped strengthen me in ways running can't.

-The Kalon Life. Remember this blog post? Having a personal trainer can be very beneficial in more ways than one. I have access to The Kalon Life, as well as an impact trainer through my job. Personal trainers are great for helping you reach your potential, as well as making sure you don't over exert yourself.

-Foam Rolling. I started implementing this practice when my IT bands were bothering me and I thought I had runner's knee. I have continued to do this, as it helps relax and heal my muscles. It hurts sometimes, but is totally worth it - roll through the pain!

-Walking. Well, I can't run, so I might as well get active some how! I have to be careful, as sometimes even walking a lot will aggravate my hip. I hate that I can't burn as many calories, or cover as many miles as running, but it's better than just sitting on the couch!

-Essential Oils. When I first hurt my knee, I tried  Panaway and was hooked! I put it on my knees and hips twice a day, as it helps alleviate sore muscles. Another one I use is wintergreen.

Chiropractor. I go to my Chiropractor every so often. Of course this year, I have been going more often than not. I feel like most people don't get what a chiropractor does until they experience it. But, after they go, they're like WOW. It is amazing how much your alignment affects everything you do.

-KT Tape. I am a strong believer in this! I first tried it via my chiropractor, but now I keep it on hand and apply it myself when needed. KT Tape helps pull the muscle away from the bone, which makes it repair itself faster.

Cryotherapy. I know it has recently been under controversy, but I did it multiple times and really liked it! You step into a personal freezer, that shoots liquid nitrogen and causes your skin to go into shock. This makes your body to release repair chemicals, which in turn help heal the injury. Did I mention that each time you enter, you burn around 500 calories?! Lots of athletes do this, so they can hit it even harder the next day!

-BioFreeze. This is basically cryotherapy in a bottle. I prefer the roll-on kind, but any of them are great. Imagine the same sensation as icy hot, but WAY BETTER. That's what BioFreeze is. Also, if you ever have a headache, it works wonders if you put it on the back of your neck.

-Backnobber. Anyone who works a 9-5 job needs one of these! They help you apply pressure to hard to reach areas like between your shoulders or your upper neck. You can basically be your own chiropractor with this puppy ;)

-Knee Braces. When I do do physical exercise, you better believe that I am wearing my knee braces. They are basically insurance so I don't get runner's knee again. My favorite brand is Cho-Pat. 

-Weight Lifting. I'm honestly really bad bout being consistent about this; however, I need to start. Gaining muscle helps you burn calories faster, as well as strengthen weak parts of your body. I need to work on strengthening my inner thighs, hips, and knees.

-Icing. Unfortunately with any physical activity, there is a chance of inflammation. I'm hoping one day I won't need it but for right now, icing has become part of my daily routine.

I am D Y I N G to get back to running. It's really hard not to be able to do something that I have grown to love, but yoga has helped keep my mind somewhat off of it. I mean that's what yoga is supposed to do, right? Clear your mind? ;) Honestly the best thing I've done, over any of the above tips, is to remain positive. Sometimes it is really hard, but in the end I think it will be worth it. Don't give up. However, if you do, that's okay. Just make sure you have  a good support system to help you back up!

Have you ever been injured from working out?  What did you do to heal? How did you cope?

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