How to Combat Wedding Week Stress
We received a complimentary spalabration from Spavia. All opinions are my own.
I don't have an outfit for this post, but I wanted to go ahead and share some of my favorite robes under $100, as they are perfect for hosting your own spa day and for the holiday season!
Reindeer Robe | Floral Robe | Fleece Robe | Jersey Robe | Quilted Robe | Printed Robe
I'm sitting here typing this, with butterflies in my stomach. I'm not sure why, but they're there. Wedding jitters and stress is bound to happen...even if you do everything right! However, there are things you can do to help and let's say, I haven't done any of those things and point.
I divided up helpful ideas by 3 categories - things you can do for yourself, things to have others do for you, and things you should remember. Here goes!
To Do for Yourself:
Spa Day. Duh. My mom and my sister went to Spavia in Plano, TX, last Saturday, and was the best! Approaching wedding week is stressful enough, so I love getting the knots and tension rubbed out of me. I have trouble relaxing, so this was a NEED. I love that Spavia lets you schedule Spalabrations - it's a way to celebrate with other people, yet have some alone time, too! We had yummy cupcakes and mimosas following our treatments. If you want to learn more about Spavia, I actually wrote a review about them here. If you're in the DFW area, they are a must visit! They do more than just wedding fun -they do birthdays too! But you definitely don't have to have a reason to go ;)
Exercise. My go to is running. It lets me clear my head, while burning calories. I feel my fittest and best after a good run. Exercising in it self gives you endorphin and make you feel better - all about that natural high! Feeling your best helps you cut back on stress.
Breathe. If you're not a runner and you don't really like to work out, I would try yoga. Not to say that yoga isn't a workout, because it's just different that pumping iron or going for a jog. If you can't afford yoga classes, try doing some via YouTube or just simple breathing exercises. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is about breathing and controlling your breath - not flexibility. It helps you focus on what is important and let go of what is not. Plus, stretching is also super good for your body! Breathe in for as long as you can, hold it, then breathe out for the same amount of time you breathed in. You'll be surprised at how much better it will make you feel. There are lots of other breathing exercises, so just google some if you like the basic one I mentioned.
Shower. Never underestimate the power of a hot shower! Or bath...I'm just not a bath girl. A good shower can cure a lot. It's a good place to think, and just reconnect with yourself. Talk about an easy fix to try, haha!
To have others do for you:
Help with Last Minute Things. You don't need to be worried about taking hospitality bags to the hotel guests. Don't be afraid of delegating. I know I sometimes have trouble doing this, but it really is so worth it in this case. Plus, people often want to help a lot, when it comes to your wedding!
Put out Fires. You need someone to solve problems for you, without you ever having to know about them. Have a point person that people know to go to whenever there are issues...just make sure you choose this person wisely!
To Remind yourself:
Don't cry over spilled milk. Chances are that things are going to go wrong. Don't let minute details like forgetting your garter or something ruin your day. Looking back, it won't matter.
The Reason you're Getting Married. On that note, when and if things do go wrong, remember why you wanted to get married in the first place and that person who is waiting for you at the altar. That's what really matters!
Anyway, going to re-read this several times myself, between now and Friday. Gotta go get my run in for the day! Hope you found some time to sweat it out!
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