Coupon Codes as of 05/08 - discount, promo, and coupon codes below! Happy shopping!
Active Skin Repair - use discount code ELLEMULENOS for 20% off
Ally Shoes - Use discount code ELLEMULENOS for 10% off
Bobbie Formula - 10% off with discount code ELLEMULENOS10
BloomEffects - 20% off with code ELLEMULENOS
California Beach Co - Get 20% off with disocunt code LAURENMULENOS (TBD on this - seeing if I can get a new one)
Canopy Humidifier - Use discount code HYDRATE15 for 15% off
Darling Society - Use discount code LAURENM for a discount (varies… but currently 20% off!)
Evereden - Use discount code ELLEMULENOS for 10% off
Follain: Get 10% off w/code ELLEMULENOS
Guava Lotus Crib: Use this link and either code family10 or ACTIVE15 as discount codes
G2G Bars: Use discount code ELLE for 15% off
Goli Gummies: Get 5% off the apple cider vinegar gummies with discount code ELLEMULENOS , new ashwaghanda gummies too!
Gigi Pip: 10% off with discount code ELLEMULENOS
Hall Wine: 10% off your first order when you use discount code LAUREN, 10% off case purchases, free shipping 6+ bottles
Hampton Grocer Granola: Use code ELLEMULENOS for 15% off
Holdon Bags: Use my discount code ELLEMULENOS for a free order of sandwich bags when you buy the household staples kit. Just add the set of sandwich bags to the cart along with the household staples kit, then apply the discount code. You’ll then receive $15.25 off your order!
HoneyLove: get 10% off when you use my direct link, the discount code is automatically applied
Jane Iredale: get 15% off with discount code ellemulenos15
Kitty and Vibe: get $15 off any order of $95+ with coupon code LAUREN15
Lalo Baby and Kids Products: Use code ELLEMULENOS
Leefy Ginger Turmeric Tincture: get a discount with coupon code ELLEMULENOS
Llama Naturals Vitamins: use code ELLEMULENOS for 20% off
Lunya: get 15% off your purchase with discount code ELLEMULENOS
Masa Chips: Use code LAUREN08234 for $10 off
ManiMe: get 20% off with discount code ELLEMULENOS
Milk and Honey:Use code ELLE15 for 15% off
Modern Fertility: $10 off using this link
OmniLux: get 10% off with this discount link Use code ELLE10 for 10% off
Pique Tea: Use discount code ELLEMULENOS for 5% off
Primally Pure: 10% off with discount code ELLEMULENOS ! Click here for my favorite Primally Pure products!
Ready Set Food: Use discount code MULENOS10 for 10% off
Ride Alto Rideshare Service: Use discount code LMENTS10 for $10 off your first 2 rides plus a free 30 day membership!
Rinse Laundry Service: Use this link for $30 off ($15 off your first 2 laundry loads)
RiseWell Toothpaste: Use discount code ELLEMULENOS10 for 10% off
Sarah Flint Shoes: Use discount code SARAHFLINT-CCLAUREN3 for 15% off
Tenth and Pine: Get 15% off with discount code ELLEMULENOS
Tush Baby: Get 15% off with discount code ELLEMULENOS22
Wildgrain: Get $10 off with discount code ELLEMULENOS
Zoe Strollers: get $15 off the purchase of a stroller with my link
See full outfit linking by clicking on their “look”, through the LikeToKnowIt app or click here.