Pantone’s 2024 Color of the year (13-1023), trends, my word of the year and intentions, and more. Happy New Year!
Lists and gift ideas for you and your loved ones this holiday season. Christmas wishlists, gift guides, and more!
A few of my recent favorite things, discount codes, and more! Oh and some items you like too!
A few of my favorite things (silk pajamas, sweater vests, comfy cute shoes, beauty gadgets, and more! Oh and discount code too.) Going over a couple of your favorite things from the last 30 days too.
Styling a summer dress for winter and beyond. Those spring slide sandals will pair perfectly too!
Tips for dressing postpartum with twins, but for motherhood in general. How I feel good in my post-baby body and am finding my new style.
Sharing my favorite sales, items at a discount, and what I’m shopping for this Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Want to wear cashmere, but don’t want to break the bank? Sharing luxurious cashmere pieces today from Quince that let you have your cake and eat it too! Also sharing if Quince is worth it, as well as quality and pricing thoughts.
A Lunya product review that goes over Pima cotton, airy cotton, and other silk styles. Perfect for the hard to gift people, new moms, and people who have everything. Plus use discount coupon code LAURENMGIFT20 for $20 off your Lunya order.
Something for him, her, in-laws, experiences… you name it I can help you pick out a present. Plus how to give a gift, make a gift card personal, and more. Christmas and holiday gift giving just got easier.
Some of my favorite things (and yours) for the last last 30 days. Plus what I'm trying, eyeing, and more!