Styling a summer dress for winter and beyond. Those spring slide sandals will pair perfectly too!
All tagged Spring style
Styling a summer dress for winter and beyond. Those spring slide sandals will pair perfectly too!
A stunning dress, plus memorial day sales to help you stock up on your basics!
The cutest, springy jumpsuit, that actually fits and isn't too tight in the crotch!
An easy white dress that works with pretty much any shoe, for any event! Except a wedding ;) Don't wear white to someone else's wedding!
Top 3 things a guy needs for summer weather. P.S. This is perfect for your dad, if you haven't purchased anything for Father's Day!
Summer is almost here, so make sure you do this, before spring is over!
Is it okay to wear suede in the spring, or are the past's fashion rules still standing?
My Easter Sunday, traditions, and trends, plus a look at Texas Tulips - Pilot Point, a U-Pick farm, near Dallas!
Top 4 things every man needs, for a spring-ready wardrobe and a transition from winter.