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Using a Facial Dry Brush in Your Skincare Routine

Using a Facial Dry Brush in Your Skincare Routine

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One of my most popular blog posts (from several years ago) is about dry brushing and its benefits, so when I fell in love with facial dry brushing earlier this year, I knew I had to write about it. Using a dry brush on your face was not news to me. I was aware of it when I first began dry brushing; however, I avoided it because I had some acne I didnā€™t want to aggravate and I wanted a separate dry brush - one that I would only use on my face and not my body. When Primally Pure launched their facial dry brush earlier this year, I took it as a sign and began incorporating it into my routine. Iā€™ve been using it for almost 5 months now and LOVE it.

Keep reading for why I like the facial dry brushing, when I use it, and the benefits Iā€™ve seen. If you want to try it out for yourself, use code ELLEMULENOS and get 10% off your facial dry brush or grab the set and get a body dry brush with it too.

I first shared the facial dry brush with you back in May when I had been using it for about a month, but I have since made it a part of my daily routine. Iā€™m currently pregnant with twins, so thereā€™s not much I can do in my skincare regarding electric current, salicylic acid, and so on, but dry brushing is safe, effective and pretty much the lazy girlā€™s skincare routine dream. Obviously it works for the ā€œtype aā€ skincare girl too, but it is easy enough to add in without increasing the length of (or lack there of) your routine. No seriously - it only takes 2 minutes!


Facial dry brushing yields the same benefits that body dry brushing does, but for your face! Think increase of lymphatic drainage and circulation, decrease of congestion and buildup, plus gentle exfoliation. For a full list of benefits click here. If you have slight breakouts here and there, I think it would be okay, but I would not dry brush an active breakout spot or large patches of acne. You donā€™t want to spread that bacteria around, nor do you want to irritate it further.


Thereā€™s not a ā€œbestā€ time for use - you can dry brush in the morning or in the eveningā€¦ or mid-day for that matter! My previous body dry brush routine was to do so before every shower that wasnā€™t in the evening, as it can ā€œwake you up.ā€ While I still do that, my dry brushing regimen is now mainly in the morning. I dry brush my {pregnant} calves to help stimulate circulation regardless of if I shower or not. I dry brush my face every morning after I cleanse, before I add vitamin c serum (I like this one and this one) and moisturizer. While I could do this prior to washing my face, I like to do it after so I know my face is clean and Iā€™m not rubbing around dirt and debris I gained over the evening.


I treat it exactly how I do my gua sha, which I use in the evening. I start at the neck to stimulate the drainage, the work my way down the right side of my face and then the left side of my face. Next I focus on my chin area in an across my jaw and down my neck motion, as this is a troublesome area for me. Lastly I brush several times down each side of my face, finishing with strokes down my neck into my dĆ©colletage. When Iā€™m going down my neck, I carefully swallow as if to guide the drainage. Primally Pure has instructional posts if you need more help. Hereā€™s some great imagery and hereā€™s more details.


I love and use the Primally Pure Facial Dry Brush. They have a dry brush collection and also have a face and body set, in addition to a single body dry brush. Use discount code ELLEMULENOS for 10% off your Primally Pure purchase.

Note that while you could use your body dry brush on your face, I wouldnā€™t just because the face can be so reactive to other things that might be on your body. Additionally the bristles might be too course. My facial dry brush bristles are significantly softer than my body dry brush bristles. Thank goodness! You for sure donā€™t want to scratch/ irritate your face.


Since I canā€™t do much chemical exfoliation, facial dry brushing has been key in this area for me, especially during pregnancy. On days I forget to facial dry brush, I can genuinely tell, as I have more congestion and gunk in my nose and throat. Not to mention, Iā€™ve seen an increase in the brightness and clearness of my complexion since including facial dry brushing in my morning skincare routine. Even if I didnā€™t notice a difference, I think it is a great habit and enjoy the daily ritual. Relaxing, simple, feels good, and is fairly quick! A 30 minute - a 60 minute face mask is nice, but I donā€™t always have that kind of time on my hands. Iā€™m sure you donā€™t either! Facial dry brushing is a skincare routine hack that everyone can incorporate.


Have you ever tried facial dry brushing? What did you think? Such a quick, easy, and budget friendly to take your skincare routine up a notch!

P.S. Donā€™t forget you can get 10% off your Primally Pure order with my discount coupon code ELLEMULENOS!

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