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What to do When You Get a Zit or Breakout

What to do When You Get a Zit or Breakout

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Awww breakout! * sung to the tune of ā€œFreak Outā€ by Le Freak *

To be honest, I have had this on my mind to discuss, but was hoping to cover the topic when my face looked the part. The harsh truth is that no one is perfect and neither is our skin, so why would I expect something of it like that? While my skin is far from flawless, it is 100 times better than it was 6 months ago. I may still get trouble spots and breakouts, but the sores end up lasting a shorter amount of time than they used to and I consider that a WIN.

if youā€™re suffering from acne, a breakout, or the occasional pimple, I am so sorry. The kind I get are cystic or really clogged pores. Either way, they hurt really badly and have a dull ache + stinging feeling to them. Some stay fleshy colored and just protrude out of my face like a mountain. Others are red and angry and want to show off to everyone. No matter your acne, it is really annoying and can create a sense of shame. I know because have felt the shame. I want to obviously let you know that youā€™re more than the pimple on your face, but also offer some tips that may help your downtime decrease!

Keep reading for my tips and things to consider regarding breakouts!


What is causing your breakout?

Before I get into my favorite ways to treat zits, I want to address the why behind the breakout.

  • When are you breaking out? Is it constant or just certain times? Considering the timing might help you combat the pimples more-so than any product can! If it is constant, you might take notice and see if you have any other symptoms besides breaking out, as this often reflects gut health being off. For me, constant acne was my body telling me that I had Ulcerative Colitis. I had other side effects that I was ignoring and the acne was a last ditch effort to make me notice. Iā€™m not saying you might have some underlying disease, all Iā€™m suggesting is to take notice of your body!

    Now that I am on UC meds, I have pinpointed that most of my breakouts come around the time of ovulation. This, along with breaking out before your period, etc is completely normal! There are things you can do like adjusting your diet or supporting your body during this time. One of my favorite resources is Dr. Jolene Brighten is one of my favorite resources on this topic. Just a side note on thisā€¦ females, did you know your skin changes throughout your cycle? In the first half (your follicular phase) your estrogen is high and your collagen is actively producing, so you skin is thicker and stronger. In the last half of your cycle (your luteal phase), your estrogen plummets and your skin is thinner. That being said, if youā€™re getting a facial with extractions or even considering popping your own pimples, do so in the first half of your cycle, right after your period, but before you ovulate. #themoreyouknow

  • Where are you getting the zits? I shared about Chinese face mapping on this post regarding adult acne. Where you are getting pimples can help you treat them just like learning when they occur! For example chin breakouts are often hormonal, so you can focus your efforts on balancing your hormones.

  • Are you stressed? Money issues? Job problems? When you are stressed cortisol spikes, so your hormone levels get out of wack. This produces more oil andddd along comes the breakouts. Exercising, deep breathing, and taking even quick ā€œme timeā€ moments can help combat this! Other supplements I like to help relax me are ashwagandha, CBD, and magnesium.

  • How is your diet? This often goes hand in hand with stress. Stress often causes stress eating in areas that arenā€™t good for us to continually consume. Been on a sugar high? Consider cutting it for a short period of time. Eating a lot of processed foods? See how you can re-create your favorite chips and such in a healthier manner at home. Dairy and gluten often gives skin a run for its money. For me personally, cutting gluten and dairy donā€™t do much for my skin - Iā€™ve tried it. It does make me FEEL better to limit the two though. Sugar on the other hand makes my skin go crazy. I cut sugar for 6 weeks and wrote about it here. I love to eat and drink, so Iā€™m all about making smart decisions, but still incorporating everything that I enjoy.

  • Are you taking supplements? Do you take a multi-vitamin? Are you on medicine like birth control that deplete certain skin loving nutrients like zinc or magnesium? Would you benefit from a probiotic? All things to consider, but run things by your doc before starting to take. These are the vitamins I take. I take this zinc tincture and this magnesium supplement. I donā€™t take a probiotic anymore due to UC, but this is my favorite one I have taken. I also take a turmeric / ginger tincture, which helps with inflammation, among other things. I also love the benefits of apple cider vinegar too. If you donā€™t like the taste, try these gummies! I use them when traveling. Side note - of course EATING the nutrients is great too and preferred at that; however, we are human and often lack in areas. Try to supplement where you arenā€™t eating enough :)

  • What products are you using? Have you recently changed your skincare or makeup routine? Wearing a new face covering? #coronavirus Donā€™t forget about your laundry detergent! If you havenā€™t changed, is there a chance that they adjusted some of the ingredients? When I first transitioned to nontoxic products, I used a lot that contained coconut oil. This is a safe ingredient, but is known to clog pores. I cut this ingredient out of most of my products and saw great results. Read more about coconut oil and the names it goes by here. Remember to consider your hair care products too, as they often come in contact with the skin. On another note, it can be tempting to try a lot of different products because they are fun or even in effort to get rid of acne as quickly as possible; however, I advise against this. Stripping back and trying one thing at a time is best practice. ALSO be sure to clean your makeup off and do not sleep or sweat in it. No excuses!

  • How much sleep are you getting? Rest is when your body repairs itself. If you arenā€™t getting enough sleep, your skin is suffering. On this same note, make sure you are regularly changing your pillow cases, as your face oils collect and so does dirt! I do so once a week.

Tips for breakouts

These are best practices that I follow!

  • Donā€™t touch your face. I know it is so tempting to touch and feel, but donā€™t. Constantly touching your face transmits oils, dirt, and grime which you donā€™t want, especially on your face! They can not only make your current acne worse, but also create new breakouts. If youā€™re going to touch your face, at least wash your hands before and after you do.

  • Feel your face. This might seem contradictory, but try to truly feel your face when you are washing it. If you do this, you can ease your need to touch your face throughout the day AND often feel pimples before they even pop up. This allows you to then target the issues immediately and try to either stop them from popping up entirely or drastically decrease their lifespan. I often feel them because they are tender and almost give off a phantom pain, as the arenā€™t really raised.

  • Strip back your routine. If you are having bad zits, consider removing all of your extra steps like serums and such. Simply cleanse and moisturize as needed. I did this for about 3 months, as the products were too overstimulating for my skin in its current state. I started incorporating an item or two back in a couple months ago. On this note, it may seem like a good idea to skip a moisturizer, but dry skin actually makes acne worse. If your skin feels dry, moisturize it! Donā€™t go overboard and donā€™t constantly skip. Find a happy medium!

  • Use ice. Itā€™s cheap and easy! I have an ice roller, but most days I use a piece of ice, as it is new and clean, versus the same roller. This not only helps with inflammation, but it also soothes the pain I feel from the protrusions. I donā€™t have an ice maker, so I use my BKR ice trays. They are slender and perfect for my face!

  • Seek professional help. If you can afford it, a good esthetician is worth it! Getting regular extractions can prevent breakouts from happening. They can also help get acne bacteria under control and suggest products for you. In LA I see Maddie at Corrective Skincare and in Dallas I see Amanda at Eleven Wellness. Lately I have been going every 3 weeks to get things under control; however, in Dallas I went ever 8 weeks. I havenā€™t been able to go since early March due to the pandemic.

Favorite products for breakouts

Some of the items I reach for when my skin is in a bind, but also for regular skin maintenance!

Favorite foods to consume for skin health

Itā€™s not always about what you put on your skin, but more so about what you consume.

  • Avocados. They have tons of fiber and potassium, but also have healthy fats, which are great for your skin!

  • Seeds. I seed cycle, which has been said to help regulate hormones, decreasing the frequency of breakouts. The headline is that I eat pumpkin and ground flax seed during the first half of my cycle and sunflower and ground sesame seeds during the last half of my cycle. Read more details here. Side note - I know some people with UC canā€™t eat seeds, but my doctor has okayed it for me.

  • Bone broth. Natural collagen!! Need I say more? I try to drink some everyday, as it also promoted gut health. Read more about the benefits of bone broth here.

  • Pineapple. Yes, thatā€™s what Iā€™m eating a bowl of in these photos! Pineapple is full of antioxidants like vitamin c and beta carotene, which help reduce the signs of aging. It also contains bromelain, which promotes gut health.

  • Bananas. Another thing I show in these photos! It is a good source of antioxidants like vitamin c. Bananas also contain manganese, which promotes collagen production.

  • Ginger. I LOVE GINGER. I like to boil it to make ginger tea, but I also enjoy it in food. It helps me feel good, lessens bloating, and helps with inflammation.

  • Water. Make sure youā€™re drinking enough! You ideally need your weight divided by 2 in ounces. If you weight 150 lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 oz of water a day. Any caffeine or alcohol you consume adds onto your needed amount. Water not only hydrates you, but also helps flush out toxins, among other things.


In conclusionā€¦

What specifically do I do to when I feel a pimple coming on? I make sure my face is clean and immediatly grab my high frequency wand. I use the spot treat head and go over the affected area for 10 seconds. After that, I grab a piece of ice and move over the area gently. I do not just hold the ice down on the spot, as that can burn the skin. Constant motion is good! After that, I typically let it rest for a bit and maybe dab on a tiny bit of Palmarosa and Mint Beauty Cream on the spot. The next day I donā€™t do much differentlyā€¦ I will ice my face like normal and concentrate on the area. I may choose to spot treat mask the area, I may not. I do not touch my high frequency wand until the next day. There is too much of a good thing ;)

If I see a viable head, I might prick the center with a needle and drain it with a tool. I may just leave it alone. If there is no visible head, I do not try to pop it. Iā€™m not going to sit here and tell you not to pop pimples, because I myself do that. If youā€™re going to do it, just be smart, make sure you have clean hands, and donā€™t spread the bacteria around. If you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing, leave it to the professionals, as you could just make it worse. I typically only mess with zits that are big, ugly, and begging to be drained. I try not to mess with small whiteheads, as they heal faster that way for me. I donā€™t try to get black heads, unless they are huge and about to be irritated. When I do, I definitely use a tool and not my bare fingers. After said popping, I ice the area and apply Palmarosa and Mint Beauty Cream on the spot. I donā€™t touch it again until the next time I wash my face.

Regarding my everyday products, you can read about them on my Spring Skincare Update.

If you are looking for help in nutrition, life, and skin health, I highly recommend Primally Pureā€™s Holistic Skincare Guide. I review it here.

Good luck on your acne journey! I pray it gets better for you and you arenā€™t in much pain. One thing that is hard to do but I recommend trying is adjusting your attitude. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not only more than your face and the pimples, but that you are beautiful. Donā€™t let the pimples get you down, as that makes them worse. Iā€™ve wanted to hide my face and cry due to constant pain, but doing those things didnā€™t make me feel better. One of you sent me a message saying that you appreciated that I spoke so outwardly about acne, as it made them realize that you donā€™t see acne when you look at me. It reminded you that people donā€™t necessarily see acne when they see you either.

Be known for your kindness laugh, and even your smile. Donā€™t give acne the foothold in your life it doesnā€™t deserve. XOXO

P.S. One thing I havenā€™t tried are the pimple patches like Zit Sticka or Peace Out. I thought about trying all of the, buuut letā€™s just say that isnā€™t in the budget and I donā€™t actually want pimples to try them out on. Hah! Do you have any favorites?

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